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venerdì 25 dicembre 2009

Booba - Garde la peche - Video e testo

Il testo Les Mc sont fauchés Prisonniers dans leur rôle Négro cherche pas à savoir Combien j' pèse en euros Personne je ne vénère Le bedo calme mes nerfs Les rappeurs ont l' cul gercé depuis que j'exerce Et on a percé Tout seul Moi et mes partenaires Le rap français a trouvé sont flow par-terre Nos chicos rayent le parquet Otage rançon hélicoptère J'ai du calcaire dans les artères Un coeur de pierre Tu peux pas stopper la musique C'est elle qui m'a Ecartée de l'illicite 92'i-roshima J'suis un sérum de vérité Les menteurs m'empoissonnent J'suis armé alcoolisé J'm' arrache au Colisée homme Fusil à pompe baïonnette Viens dans mes pompes malhonnêtes L'Etat c'est Geppeto J'suis l' ghetto marionnette La street mon baromètre T'es KO t'es mort mec Essayes pas de clasher Tu n' vas pas t'en remettre Tu veux frimer tu veux teste Garde la pêche Depuis le crime paie zéro défait Garde la pêche Tu veux que j' vienne rapper gratos Garde la pêche Ici c'est Los Ralhamos Garde la pêche Le destin fait la loi Sélection naturelle Ma mère c'est mon père J'suis number one pour elle L'argent le pouvoir C'est le nerf de la guerre J'vais la faire t'as gagné Pour la chair de ma chair Je n' veux pas qu'on m'enterre Au Père Lachaise Doré est le trône Electrique est la chaise Gorée c'est ma terre L'égalité c'est ma lutte Ce combat contre moi même Je perds c'est ma chute Si t'es sérieuse t'es ma meuf Sinon t'es ma pute Périlleuse est la street J'ai un gun dans mon fut' J'ai crié mon avis Maquillé mes pratiques Aquatique sont les Mc Paris n'est pas si magique T'es sur écoute tu veux mon phone Garde la pêche Tu veux baiser sans sucer boufonne Garde la pêche Au lieu d' la vendre tu la sniff Garde la pêche Tu voudrais que j'taff pour le SMIC Garde la pêche Sans diplome sais dire que wesh wesh Garde la pêche T'as pas d' mandat t'est au hèbs Garde la pêche Tu veux monter sur le ring Garde la pêche Tu veux faire un featuring Garde la pêche J'voyage en 1ere Mes disques d'or dans la soute Le rap français le hip hop J'en ai rien à foutre J'suis meilleur que Molière Tatoué sans musselière J' prône mon beaf M'arracher changer d' fuseau horaire J'ai commencé au départ je ne valais rien Si tu nous veux tu nous payes On s'en bat les reins T'as vu tu verra mon blaze dans une garde à vue Retenue détenue rien n' se passe comme prévu J'fais des tubes pépères J'suis tellement coté p'tite pute Que tu veux teste B2O pour te faire de la pub Quand ça tire tu cavales Avale quand j'éjacule Il serait mieux pour tout monde Que mes troupes se reculent

Beat Assailant - Spy

Jena Lee - Je me Perds

Il testo

(I am lost...Don't you understand?)
(Don't you understand there?)
(I am lost...Don't you understand?)

Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'espace je veux tout changer,
Bousculer ma vie pour mieux respirer,
Faire sortir ma rage,
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Je fais comme si tout était normal,
Mais derriere mon sourire, mon regard,
J'ai mal...
Et je doute sans cesse, me délaisse, me déteste
J'ai besoin de me tester je suis prête a risquer le peu qu'il me reste
Je briserais mes pensées
Pour torturer mon âme, je me servirais
De ma haine comme une arme

Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'espace je veux tout changer,
Bousculer ma vie pour mieux respirer,
Faire sortir ma rage,
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'air pur je veux tout changer
Bousculer mon coeur pour le faire parler
Liberer mes sons
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Je fais face a mes doutes, mes erreurs,
Mais je vois, je vois qu'il n'y a plus personne en qui je crois
Je n'veux pas qu'on m'aide, qu'on m'aime
Je ne ressens rien moi même
Vous pouvez me laisser, j'ai deja tout risquer
J'n'ai plus rien a perdre...

J'ai brisé celle que j'étais pour faire saigner mes larmes,
J'ai fait de ma peine une nouvelle arme...

Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'espace je veux tout changer,
Bousculer ma vie pour mieux respirer,
Faire sortir ma rage,
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'air pur je veux tout changer
Bousculer mon coeur pour le faire parler
Liberer mes sons
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Je fais comme si tout était normal
Mais derriere mon sourire mon regard
J'ai mal...
J'ai menti :
J'aimerais qu'on m'aide, que quelqu'un me tende la main...
...même si je sui déjà loin.

{Refrain} X2
Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'espace je veux tout changer,
Bousculer ma vie pour mieux respirer,
Faire sortir ma rage,
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Je veux tout tenter,
Je manque d'air pur je veux tout changer
Bousculer mon coeur pour le faire parler
Liberer mes sons
Je me perds, je me perds, je me perds, je me blesse.

Booba - Autopsie

Pony Pony Run Run - WALKING ON A LINE - accordi, testo e video

Pony Pony Run Run - WALKING ON A LINE - accordi, testo e video

testo e accordi per chitarra

Auto Scroll

Traspositore (cambio tonalità)
I feel like i’m walking
Walking On A Line
I feel like i’m walking
Walking On A Line
[1st verse]
 Do I believe in love?
no, sorry. You want to live by my side
 But sometimes it’s not easy for me,
come on, let’s go back in time.
 Endless kisses, endlessly
 We were so young, yes so young.
 A word of wisdom : forget all about me
 and get me out of your mind.
[Pre-chorus] (Let ring the chords)
  But you’re not my kind,
and I ain’t so special
yes, you’re not my kind of girl
  You say you’ll be fine,
your life is a spiral
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        F#m          A
 I feel like i’m Walking On A Line
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        F#m       A
I feel like i’m walking
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        F#m          A
 I feel like i’m Walking On A Line
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        A
 I feel like i’m walking
Walking On A Line
I feel like i’m walking
Walking On A Line
[2nd verse]
 Do I believe in love?
no, sorry. You want to live by my side
 But sometimes it’s not easy for me,
 Come on, let’s go back in time.
 Endless crisis, Shame on me
 Make a promise and be strong
 A word of wisdom : forget all about me
 and get me out of your mind.
[Pre-chorus] (Let ring)
  But you’re not my kind,
and I ain’t so special
yes, you’re not my kind of girl
  You say you’ll be fine,
your life is a spiral
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        F#m          A
 I feel like i’m Walking On A Line
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        F#m       A
I feel like i’m walking
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        F#m          A
 I feel like i’m Walking On A Line
D     E         F#m         A
 Come on, let’s go back in time
D       E        A
 I feel like i’m walking
Walking On A Line
I feel like i’m walking
Walking On A Line
I feel like i’m walking
you’d better give up honey

Pv Nova e Monsieur Dream - J’AIME PAS NOËL


testo e accordi per chitarra

Auto Scroll

Cambio tonalità
Semplifica accordi
Dimensioni testo
MIm J’ai jamais pu blairer Noël déjà tout p’tit c'était pas ça J’lui écrivais au gros barbu SI je crois qu’mes lettres il les lisait pas MIm Ou bien peut être qu’il confondait Nintendo et Cluedo Si j’le croise ce gros bâtard RE j’peux t’dire que j’lui f’rais pas d’cadeaux SOL J’ai grandis cette année ne me demande pas si j'étais sage SI J’suis toujours pas casé et maintenant j’suis au chômage MIm J’ai la phobie des rennes et j’ai peur des lutins verts Les bons sentiments de ma grand-mère, j’les ai vomis dans l’vent d’hiver Chaque année c’est la même SI7 on nous bassine trois mois avant Bientôt on prendra un sapin avant la fin du mois d’printemps Et puis j’sais pas comment tu fais pour le calendrier de l’avent Moi je dois en acheter 24 tellement j’suis impatient J’avoue j’ai trop la flemme j’m’y prends la veille au soir Je me réjouis déjà de faire la queue des heures durant Dans un magasin blindé finalement j’arrive trop tard Pour la barbie pute à frange pour ma cousine de 6 ans Petit papa Noël S’te plait descends pas du ciel Cette fois-ci ta fête elle est annulée Il passe par où le père Noël quand y a pas de cheminée? Dans ton cul! (Cul cul cul cul uu) Et Cette année encore on va chez des inconnus Y a que des gens flippants comme sur un plateau d’Delarue Parait qu’c’est d’la famille à moi je les avais pas reconnu La prochaine fois que je materais confessions intime je manquerais plus Ras l’bol du saumon au chocolat, d’la dinde fourrée aux ferreiro Envie de vomir, j’cours à la crèche et j’crache le morceau Désolé les rois mages en plus j’connais même pas vos noms J’crois qu’il y a Melchior, Balthazar et euh… Harry Potter ! Je sais j’suis nul en crèche mais je fais des efforts Je l’ai sur l’bout de la langue le nom du bébé qui dort Et puis offrir des cadeaux n’a jamais été mon fort J’suis bon qu'à les recevoir et encore Pour m’venger de ces cadeaux pourris, j’achète à ma mère un Marc Levy «C'est gentil mon chéri mais celui-ci j’l’ai déjà fini» Super grand frère un nouveau radio-réveil Je vais faire comme l’année dernière, j’le range dans ma corbeille Petit papa Noël S’te plait descends pas du ciel Cette fois-ci ta fête elle est annulée Il fait comment l’père Noël pour rendre visite au monde entier? Bah c’est simple il passe que chez les riches Freeze! On se les gèle des boules aux guirlandes Les dents qui claquent moi la neige ça m’fout les glandes J’vais m’taper la mère Noël pour laisser le père Noël amer Mais le mercure est bas et j’ai le bout des doigts en Mr. Freeze

Shakira - Send Me An Angel
Il testo

9IgENUIHIhE Il testo He wise man said just walk this way To the dawn of the light The wind will blow into your face As the years pass you by Hear this voice from deep inside It's the call of your heart Close your eyes and your will find The passage out of the dark Here I am Will you send me an angel Here I am In the land of the morning star The wise man said just find your place In the eye of the storm Seek the roses along the way Just beware of the thorns Here I am Will you send me an angel Find More lyrics at www.sweetslyrics.com Here I am In the land of the morning star The wise man said just raise your hand And reach out for the spell Find the door to the promised land Just believe in yourself Hear this voice from deep inside It's the call of your heart Close your eyes and your will find The way out of the dark Here I am Will you send me an angel Here I am In the land of the morning star Here I am Will you send me an angel Here I am In the land of the morning star

Shakira - Spy

Il testo Slow motion Blinds are see through Let your mind go Imagine that I kiss you Turn off the lights and open up your eyes now You can take a glimpse into my soul for tonight Do you got the heat off, girl? Yes, I do Can you turn up the temperature? You bet I could Colombian with a swagger Yes, I am Whatever it takes to make this thing work we gonna Whatever it takes to make this thing work we gonna There's a spy by my window, I know it's you You like to keep an eye on me I know you like to keep an eye on me There's a spy by my window, I know it's you Won't you like to keep an eye on me? I know you like to keep an eye on me Keep an eye on me But if you want it got to let it be I know you dream about me And it turns me on to think about it This is the finest game It ain't even got a name I just wanna see how far it takes us tonight Do you got the music on, girl? Yes, I do Can you get a little closer? You bet I could Colombian with a swagger Yes, I am Whatever it takes to make this thing work we gonna Whatever it takes to make this thing work we gonna Whatever it takes to make this thing work we gonna There's a spy by my window, I know it's you You like to keep an eye on me I know you like to keep an eye on me There's a spy by my window, I know it's you Won't you like to keep an eye on me? I know you like to keep an eye on me Keep an eye on me But if you want it got to let it be When the dog's away, that's when the cats play You'll be my girl, I'll be the spy Like the James Bond flick, girl, I'm ready to ride When the cat's away, that's when the mouse play You'll be my girl, I'll be the spy Like the James Bond flick, girl, I'm ready to die, die, die There's a spy by my window, I know it's you You like to keep an eye on me I know you like to keep an eye on me There's a spy by my window, I know it's you Won't you like to keep an eye on me? I know you like to keep an eye on me Keep an eye on me But if you want it got to let it be Lipstick's on, stockings up Skirt's short, heels are high Take your time, buckle up Close your eyes and enjoy the ride Close your eyes and enjoy the ride Close your eyes Close your eyes and enjoy the ride

Shakira - Long Time
Video e testo

Il testo

Hold me
Show me all the talent God has given you
I want us thinking outside the box (all night long)
Just keep on going

You've done good things for me
Though I'm not an easy girl to please
I'll never run out of faith in you (all night long)
Just keep on going

Long time long time
That's the way I've loved you baby
Long night it's been a long night
I'm breaking the record, told ya

Long time long time
The minutes are eternal lately
Long night it's been a long night
Can't wait to touch you, touch you

I wish I had longer legs
That I could fasten to your body so you'd take me with you everywhere
And when you think I can take no more (all night long)
Just keep on going

If I let you have your way don't think I'm weak
You got the stamina and the technique
So let those eloquent hands of yours (all night long)
Just keep on going

Long time long time
That's the way I've loved you baby
Long night it's been a long night
I'm breaking the record, told ya

Long time long time
The minutes are eternal lately
Long night it's been a long night
Can't wait to touch you, touch you

This thing we've got's so rare
It's so good it's not even fair
So how could anything compare
To your way, no way

How can you do me so much good
I'm so happy I should get sued
But nothing matters next to you
No way, no way

Long time long time
That's the way I've loved you baby
Long night it's been a long night
I'm breaking the record, told ya

Long time long time

The minutes are eternal lately
Long night it's been a long night
Can't wait to touch you, touch you

Shakira - Why Wait For Later
Video e testo

Il testo Drowning in your sweat ‘Til I drench my clothes You’ve seen nothing yet Wait ’til you let go. Why wait for later? Obey my intuition We’re going to be just fine I’ve got a premonition. Something’s coming on, coming on strong Don’t take too long Don’t you wanna know Baby come home. Chorus: One more Night with you I won’t Think it through Time’s money But you knew Nothing in the world You can think of That I won’t do to you. I’m gonna dance through the veil of your eyes While you follow my steps and decide And I see your fate in the palm of your hand. No one looks, no one hears us this time It’s only me and your conscience tonight If there are no witnesses, there is no crime. Why wait for later? I’m not a waiter. Why wait for later? Obey my intuition We’re going to be just fine I’ve got a premonition. Something’s coming on, coming on strong Don’t take too long Don’t you wanna know Baby come home. Chorus: One more Night with you I won’t Think it through Time’s money But you knew Nothing in the world You can think of That I won’t do to you.

Shakira - Did It Again
Video e testo

Il testo

First Floor
Room Sixteen
Smells like danger
Even better
Set your goals
Bless our souls
I’m in trouble
But it feels like heaven

You were like one of those guys
The kind with a wandering eye
But I said, “hey what the hell? for once in my life i’ll take a ride on the wild side
You were so full of yourself
But damn, were you cute, as well
I packed my bags, I liked your moves
Anyone could tell that it’s hard to deny that

Did it again, love
I got it all wrong
But it felt so right
I can’t believe it

And all the mistakes
That went on for too long
Wish there was a way
I could delete it

Eh, Eh, Eh, Eh
Ah, ah, ah, ah

Second night in a row
Back in trouble
I don’t get it

Keep it down
It’s logical
We ignore it (yes, I know)
Getting better


When it comes to men it’s known
That I am the choosing one
‘Cause I always trip and fall
The same old ? and repeat and go back

How blind a girl can be
To miss you hide your ring
Thought about everything
I’m so naive I’m ? and all that

Did it again, love
I got it all wrong
But it felt so right
I can’t believe it

And all the mistakes
That went on for too long
Wish there was a way
I could delete it

Eh, eh, eh, eh
Ah, ah, ah, ah

It may seem to you that I am in a place
Where I’m losing the direction of my life

But I’m sure that this is nothing but a phase
“Right back at ya,” his eyes so vile

It may seem to you that I am in a place
Where I’m losing the direction of my life
But I’m sure that this is nothing but a phase
“Right back at ya,” his eyes so vile

Did it again, love
I got it all wrong
But it felt so right
I can’t believe it

And all the mistakes
That went on for too long
Wish there was a way
I could delete it

Eh, eh, eh, eh
Ah, ah, ah, ah

Shakira - Good Stuff
Video e testo

Il testo

Ah, ah, ah

Watch my body get low (oh)
As low as can go (oh)
All the boys will follow (oh)
I'll show you something you don't know

Watch my body get low (oh)
As low as can go (oh)
All the boys will follow (oh)
I'll show you something you don't know

You me, on the floor
Stop, wait, ask for more
Watch as I move across the dance floor
Stop and stare
These signals you just can't ignore

*All of this burning passion, look into my eyes
Look at how these things are going
I promise you're in for a big surprise
And my dear, that is final
And I like that

I'm not gonna make it up
It's awesome and you'll see
Don't have to prove it
It is written in your eyes
Tonight you'll be the winner and I'll be the prize
You know that I'm a witch and I can read your mind boy
I know just what you want
*And I like that

Sometimes love's a liar, and we are ones, too
Where do we go from here
What do we do?
I have no idea, time spent on you
Things are so tough
I don't wanna miss out on the good stuff

But why waste time thinking
On what can't be changed
I'll take it from here
Hand over the reigns
Don't hesitate, boy
Bring your body right here
That is just I want
Do you like that?

*My new resolution is to trust you
My business to love you until you've had it
I'm not gonna miss out on the good stuff
The grass is much greener with us on it
Much greener with us on it

Shakira - Men In This Town
Video e testo

Il testo

Is there a prince in this fable
For a small town girl like me?
The good ones are gone or not able...
and Matt Damon's not meant for me
Damon's not meant for me (Damnit!)

I got to say

Is a place that I respect

Come on LA, take advantage
Give me a night that I won't forget

I went to look
From the Sky Bar to the Standard, nothing took
These boys don't care
Got a handful with their projects and with their looks

Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?

Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?

I'm so fresh, I'm so clean
Got the lips and got the skin
Got the skin got that thing
I'm so fresh and I'm so...

Is there a prince in this fable
For a small town girl like me?
The good ones are gone or not able...
and Matt Damon's not meant for me (Damnit again!)

I never dreamed that I'd come here to become the next Jolie
But I sure know there's someone, around somewhere who's meant to be

Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?

Where are all the men in this town?
And what's a girl supposed to do?
Did they all run off when they knew
That I was coming round, coming round?

I'm so fresh, I'm so clean
Got the lips and got the skin
Got the skin got that thing
I'm so fresh and I'm so...

I'm so fresh, I'm so clean
Got the lips and got the skin
Got the skin got that thing
I'm so fresh and I'm so...

So they say
It's a suicide, waiting, others say
It's a suicide, waiting, yo no se
It's a suicide, waiting, another day
It's a suicide, waiting

So decide, it's a suicide waiting, all this time
It's a suicide, waiting, donde estas?
It's a suicide, waiting, so decide
It's a suicide, waiting

Shakira - Gypsy
Video e testo

Il testo

Broke my heart
On the road
Spent the weekend
Sewing the pieces back on

Friends and thoughts pass me by
Walking gets too boring
When you learn how to fly

Not the homecoming kind
Take the top off
And who knows what you might find

Won’t confess all my sins
You can bet I’ll try it
But I can’t always win


‘Cause I’m a gypsy
Are you coming with me?
I might steal your clothes
And wear them if they fit me
I never made agreements
Just like a gypsy
And I won’t back down
‘Cause life’s already bit me
And I won’t cry
I’m too young to die
If you’re gonna quit me
‘Cause I’m a gypsy

(’Cause I’m a gypsy)

Verse 2

I can’t hide
what I’ve done
Scars remind me
Of just how far that I’ve come
To whom it may concern
Only run with scissors
When you want to get hurt


I said hey you
You’re no fool
If you say ‘NO’
Ain’t it just the way life goes?
People fear what they don’t know
Come along for the ride, Oh yeah
Come along for the ride, whoo-hoo

Shakira - She Wolf

Il disco contiene 9 brani in lingua inglese e 4 in lingua spagnola, l'album è stato anticipato dal singolo La Loba versione spagnola uscito il 29 giugno e She Wolf versione inglese uscito il 13 luglio.

Ecco la tracklist di "She Wolf"

1. She Wolf
2. Did It Again
3. Why Wait For Later
4. Long Time
5. Good Stuff
6. Spy
7. Men In This Town
8. Gypsy
9. Send Me An Angel

The album will include 4 Spanish songs.
1. La Loba ("She Wolf" versione spagnola)
2. Devoción Featuring Gustavo Cerati
3. Años Luz
4. Lo Hecho Está Hecho ("Did It Again" versione spagnola)

Black Eyed Peas - Meet Me Halfway - accordi, video e testo

Il testo

I can't go any further then this
I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish

I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day yes, I'm really missin' missin' you
And all those things we use to use to use to use to do
Hey girl, what's up, it used it used to be just me and you
I spent my time just thinkin thinkin thinkin bout you
Every single day, yes I'm really missin missin you
And all those things we use to use to use to do
Hey girl what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up

Meet me halfway, right at the boarderline
That's where I'm gonna wait, for you
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
I can't go any further then this
I want you so bad it's my only wish

Girl, I travel round the world and even sail the seven seas
Across the universe I go to other galexies
Just tell me where to go, just tell me where you wanna meet
I navigate myself myself to take me where you be
Cause girl I want, I, I, I want you right now
I travel uptown (town) I travel downtown
I wanna to have you around (round) like every single day
I love you alway... way

Can you meet me half way (I'll meet you halfway)
Right at the boarderline
That's where I'm gonna wait, for you
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
I can't go any further then this
I want you so bad it's my only wish
I can't go any further then this
I want you so bad it's my only wish

Let's walk the bridge, to the other side
Just you and I (just you and I)
I will fly, I'll fly the skies, for you and I (for you and I)
I will try, until I die, for you and I, for you and I, for for you and I,
For for you and I, for for you and I, for you and I

Can you meet me half way (yup yup)
Can you meet me half way (yup yup)
Can you meet me half way (yup yup)
Can you meet me half way (yup yup)
Meet me half way, right at the boarderline
That's where I'm gonna wait, for you
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
I can't go any further then this
I want you so bad it's my only wish
I can't go any further then this
I want you so bad it's my only wish

Testi dei Black Eyed Peas


Am G/B Em F (x2)


Am   G/B
Ooh, Ooh
Em             F
I can't go any further than this
Am   G/B
Ooh, Ooh
Em                           F
I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish

[Verse 1]

Am                         G/B
Cool, I spent my time just thinkin, thinkin, thinkin 'bout
Em                    F
You, every single day yes, I'm really missin', missin'
Am                           G/B
you, and all those things we use to use to use to
Em                          F
Do, hey girl, what's up, it use to be just me and
Am                        G/B
You, I spent my time just thinkin, thinkin, thinkin bout
Em                    F
You every single day, yes I'm really missin missin
Am                          G/B
You and all those things we use to use to use to
Em                    F
Do, hey girl what's up, what's up, what's up, what's up


                    Am                G/B
Can you meet me halfway, right at the borderline
                       Em        F
That's where I'm gonna wait, for you
               Am             G/B
I'll be lookin out, night 'n' day
        Em                      F
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
Am           G/B
 Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh
Em             F
I can't go any further than this
Am           G/B
Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh
Em                        F
I want you so bad it's my only wish

[Verse 2]

Am                       G/B
Girl, I travel round the world and even sail the seven
Em                  F
Seas, Across the universe I go to other
    Am                                   G/B
Galaxies, just tell me where you want to go, 

just tell me where you wanna to
Em               F
Meet, I navigate myself, myself to take me where you
Am                     G/B
Be, cause girl I want, I, I, I want you right
Em              F
Now, I travel uptown, town I travel
    Am                       G/B
Downtown I wanna to have you around, round like every single
Em               F
Day I love you alway, way (I'll meet you halfway)


                    Am                G/B
Can you meet me halfway, right at the borderline
                       Em        F
That's where I'm gonna wait, for you
               Am             G/B
I'll be lookin out, night 'n' day
        Em                      F
Took my heart to the limit, and this is where I'll stay
Am           G/B
 Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh
Em             F
I can't go any further than this
Am           G/B
Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh
Em                        F
I want you so bad it's my only wish
Am           G/B
 Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh
Em             F
I can't go any further than this
Am           G/B
Oh oh oh oh, Oh oh oh oh
Em                        F
I want you so bad it's my only wish


               G                    Em
Let's walk the bridge, to the other side
Just you and I (just you and I)
       G                 Em                 F
I will fly, I'll fly the skies, for you and I (for you and I)
       G            Em               F
I will try, until I die, for you and I, 

for you and I, for for you and I,
                G                  Em             F
For for you and I, for for you and I, for you and I

Dm                   Em
Can you meet me half way
Am                   G/B
Can you meet me half way
Dm                   Em
Can you meet me half way
F                    G
Can you meet me half way


Am G/B Em F (x4)

Bob Dylan - Little Drummer Boy - accordi, video e testo

Bob Dylan - Little Drummer Boy, accordi, testo, video

testo e accordi per chitarra

Auto Scroll

Traspositore (cambio tonalità)

Come they told me, pa rum pa pom pom
                              Eb      Bb
A new born King to see, pa rum pa pom pom
 Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pa pom pom
         Bb                Eb                
To lay before the King, pa rum pa pom pom,
          Bb    F
rum pa pom pom, rum pa pom pom
Bb                        Eb      Bb
  so to honor Him, pa rum pa pom pom,
F       Bb
When we come.

Bb                Eb       Bb
Little Baby, pa rum pa pum pum
                        Eb         Bb
I am a poor boy too, pa rum pa pum pum
 I have no gift to bring, pa rum pa pum pum
         Bb                Eb
That's fit to give a King, pa rum pa pum pum,
Bb              F
Rum pa pum pum, rum pa pum pum,
Bb                       Eb           Bb
 Shall I play for you, pa rum pa pum pum,
F       Bb
On my drum?...

Mary nodded, pa rum pa pum pum

The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pa pum pum
 I played my drums for Him, pa rum pa pum pum
         Bb                Eb
I played my best for Him, pa rum pa pum pum
Bb              F
Rum pa pum pum, rum pa pum pum
 Then He smiled at me, pa rum pa pum pum
F       Bb 
Me and my drum, Me and my drum...

Bob Dylan - I’ll Be Home For Christmas

Il testo

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the lovelight gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams

I'll be home for Christmas
You can plan on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents on the tree

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the lovelight gleams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams font color="#0000ff"> accordi per chitarra | G Bbdim7 | Am D6 | G Bbdim7 Am7 D7sus4 D7 I'll be home for Christmas G6 E7b9 Am You can plan on me Am7 D7 G Em Please have snow and mistletoe A7 A6 D7 And presents on the tree G Bbdim7 Am7 D7 Christmas Eve will find me G6 E7b9 Am Am(maj7) Am7 Where the love-light gleams C6 Cm7 G Dm/F E7 I'll be home for Chr-ist--mas Am D7 [G] If only in my dreams | G G/B Bdim | Am7 D9 D7b9 | G Bbdim7 Am7 D6 D7 (I'll be home for Christmas) G6 E7b9 Am You can plan on me Am7 D7 G Em (Please have snow and mistletoe) A7 A6 D9 D7 And presents on the tree G Bbdim7 Am7 D7 (Christmas Eve will find me) G6 E7b9 E7 Am Am(maj7) Am7 Where the love-light glows C6 Cm7 G Dm6/F E7 I'll be home for Chri-st----mas Am D7 G If only in my dreams

Bob Dylan - Hark The Herald Angels Sing

Il testo

Hark! the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King
Peace on earth and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled!"
Joyful, all ye nations rise;
Join the triumph of the skies;
With angelic host proclaim
"Christ is born in Bethlehem!"
Hark! the herald angels sing
"Glory to the newborn King!"

Christ, by highest heaven adored;
Christ the everlasting Lord;
Late in time behold Him come,
Offspring of the favored one.
Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see;
Hail the incarnate Deity
Pleased as man with men to dwell,
Jesus, our Emmanuel
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King"

Hail! the heaven-born Prince of Peace!
Hail! the Son of Righteousness!
Light and life to all He brings,
Risen with healing in His wings.
Mild He lays His glory by,
Born that man no more may die;
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth
Hark! the herald angels sing,
"Glory to the newborn King"
 accordi per chitarra 

|  F A7/F  |  F  |  F / C C7  |  Fsus4 Fsus2 F *  |
Hark! the herald angels sing, -
F/A Bb F/C C7 F
"Glory to the new-born King!
F C Dm G
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
Am G/B C G6 G7 *  C
God and sinners re-con-ciled"
F/C F/A C7/E F F/C C
Joyful, all ye  na - tions, rise,
F/C F/A C7/E F F/C C
Join the triumph of   the skies;
Bb D7/F# Gm D7 *  Gm
With angelic   host pro-claim,
C/Bb F/A F/C C F
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Bb D7/F# Gm D7 *   Gm
Hark! the herald  an-gels sing,
C/Bb F/A F/C C F
"Glory to the new-born King!
F Faug F C
Hark! the herald angels si-ng, -
F Bb/D F/A C/G F
"Glory to the new-born King!
F Faug F Gsus4 G
Peace on earth, and mercy mi -- ld,
C/E C/G Dm/G C/G
God and sinners re � con - ciled"
F/C F/A C7/E F F/C C
Joyful, all ye  na - tions, rise,
F/C F/A C7/E F F/C C
Join the triumph of   the skies;
Bb D7/F# Gm D7 *  Gm
With angelic   host pro-claim,
C/Bb F/A F/C C F
"Christ is born in Bethlehem"
Bb D7/F# Gm D7 *   Gm
Hark! the herald  an-gels sing,
C/Bb F/A F/C C F
"Glory to the new-born King!
|  F A7/F  |  F  |  F / C C7  |  F  |

Bob Dylan - Winter Wonderland

Il testo

Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Gone away is the bluebird,
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you married?
We'll say: No man,
But you can do the job
When you're in town.

Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

In the meadow we can build a snowman,
And pretend that he's a circus clown
We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman,
Until the other kids knock him down.

When it snows, ain't it thrilling,
Though your nose gets a chilling
We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Walking in a winter wonderland,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
 accordi per chitarra 

Winter Wonderland
Music by Felix Bernard, lyrics by Richard B. Smith
Album: Christmas in the Heart (2009)
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We're happy tonight.
D9 G7 C
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Gone away is the bluebird,
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along, B
Walking in a winter wonderland.
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He'll say: Are you married? We'll say: No man,
 A7 D7 G7
But you can do the job when you're in town.
Later on, we'll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we've made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
And pretend that he's a circus clown
We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman,
Until the other kids all knock him down.
When it snows, ain't it filling,
Though your nose gets a chilling
We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way,
Walking in a winter wonderland.

Bob Dylan - Do You Hear What I Hear

Il testo

Said the night wind to the little lamb,
Do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
Do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
Do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
Do you know what I know
In your palace warm, mighty king,
Do you know what I know
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold

Said the king to the people everywhere,
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace, people everywhere!
Listen to what I say
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night
He will bring us goodness and light
He will bring us goodness and light
 accordi per chitarra 

         A                 E7sus4 A       A  A A  E7sus4
Said the night wind to the little lamb
A                      A* E/A D/A A
Do you see what I see
A                 E7sus4 A       A  A A  E7sus4
Way up in the sky little lamb
A                      A* E/A D/A A
Do you see what I see
A star, A star
Dancing in the night
       D       E   E7   C#    F#m
With a tail as big as a kite
       D       E   E7   [A]
With a tail as big as a kite

| A    E7sus4 | % | % | % |

         A                  E7sus4   A       A  A A  E7sus4
Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy
A                      A* E/A D/A A
Do you hear what I hear
A                       E7sus4   A       A  A A  E7sus4
Ringing through the sky shepherd boy
A                      A* E/A D/A A
Do you hear what I hear
A song, A song
High above the trees
       D        E   E7     C#    F#m
With a voice as big as the sea
       D        E   E7    [A]
With a voice as big as the sea

| A    E7sus4 | % | % | % |

         A                  E7sus4 A       A  A A  E7sus4
Said the shepard boy to the mighty king
A                      A* E/A D/A A
Do you know what I know
A                   E7sus4 A       A  A A  E7sus4
In your palace warm mighty king
A                      A* E/A D/A A
Do you know what I know
A child, A child
Shivers in the cold
       D         E      E7  C#    F#m
Let us bring him silver and gold
       D         E      E7 [A]
Let us bring him silver and gold

| A    E7sus4 | Bb   F7sus4 | % | % |

         Bb                 F7sus4 Bb       Bb  Bb Bb  F7sus4
Said the king to the people every--where
Bb                   [Bb* F/Bb Eb/Bb Bb]
Listen to what I say
Bb             F7sus4 Bb       Bb  Bb Bb  F7sus4
Pray for peace people everywhere
Bb                   [Bb* F/Bb Eb/Bb Bb]
Listen to what I say
The child, the child
Sleeping in the night
        Eb       F   F7       D     Gm
He will bring us goodness and light
        Eb    Eb/D Cm7 F7[break][Bb]
He will bring us   goodness and light

| Bb    F7sus4 | % | % | Bb

Carmen Consoli
Video e testo

Il testo

Che vergogna te la sei fatta addosso
Mentre tutti mangiano. Cosa penseranno?
Ci è giunta voce che nel suo paese l’inciviltà regna sovrana
Ambasciatore che ingrata mansione
La rappresentanza di tale etnia subumana.

Vorrei parlarvi di un sogno ricorrente
Una donna dal corpo normale e la testa di un cane
Le mani di mia madre.
Stava seduta sulla panchina di una stazione mai vista
Sul tabellone una data di nascita:

Cari signori brindo a tale rozza illazione
poiché mi diverte il pregiudizio borghese
perché guastare tale atmosfera gioviale con la tensione
brindiamo all’amore materno, filiale, carnale
brindiamo all’amore promiscuo, fedele e spirituale.

Signore e signori mi spiace interrompervi
Siete in arresto, devo rinchiudervi nel ripostiglio
Toglietevi le scarpe.
Mettete sul tavolo oggetti metallici, contenitori di liquidi
Se fate i buoni vi lascio una coperta per l’inverno.

Carmen Consoli - Elettra
Video e testo

Il testo

Elettra metteva la cipria consueta nella penombra
Negli occhi il riflesso di sensi abusati e bagliori di strada
Inquieta per l’ultimo appuntamento
Qualche minuto e lo avrebbe rivisto.

Da giorni in conflitto con quel turbamento
Sublime ed affine al dolore
Quell’altalenare tra stato di grazia e sfiancante passione
Quel giovedì sera alle dieci e quaranta
Un confuso languore, l’odore di neve
Forse era ansia di prestazione
Il colmo per una che fa quel mestiere.

Elettra quale audace acrobazia
Toccare il cielo con un dito e poi ridiscendere
Amato bene abbracciami alla luce del giorno
Tra sguardi indignati e la frenesia del resto del mondo.
Amore concediamoci quel viaggio imprevisto
La fuga dal solito itinerario costretto alla morsa dell’abitudine.

Perdona il ritardo
All’altezza del bivio
Fui colto da ignoto malore
Le gambe inorganiche, lastre di ghiaccio, improvvisa necrosi del cuore.
Per grazia divina la mente è rimasta
Illesa ed immune a ogni trepidazione.
Vengo a saldare il servizio d’amore:
oltre seicento gradevoli ore.

Elettra quale audace acrobazia
Toccare il cielo con un dito e poi ridiscendere.
Amato bene abbracciami alla luce del giorno
Tra sguardi indignati e la frenesia del resto del mondo.
Amore concediamoci quel viaggio imprevisto
La fuga dal solito itinerario costretto alla morsa dell’abitudine.

Amato bene abbracciami alla luce del giorno
Amato bene abbracciami alla luce del giorno
Amato bene abbracciami alla luce del giorno.

Carmen Consoli - Col Nome Giusto
Video e testo

Il testo

Se la lontananza è come il vento
Nel tepore apatico di questa passione
Non sorprenderanno più fiamme inattese
Sotto la cenere alcun sogno combustibile.

Dal punto più alto di questo monte inquieto
Il blu festoso dell’oceano strappa alle mie labbra un sorriso.

Spero che un giorno smetterai di fare confusione
Tra il dolore ed il piacere,
la paura ed il bisogno di ferire
son certa che un giorno chiameremo tutto questo
col nome giusto
e ritrovata serenità.

Se la lontananza è come il vento
Su trame morbide di vele spiegate
Soffierà in direzione contraria a ogni dove
Oltre ogni logica di navigazione.

Dal punto più alto di questo monte inquieto
Il blu festoso dell’oceano strappa alle mie labbra un segreto.

Spero che un giorno smetterai di fare confusione
Tra il dolore ed il piacere,
la paura ed il bisogno di ferire.
Son certa che un giorno chiameremo tutto questo

Spero che un giorno smetterai di fare confusione
tra il dolore e il piacere,
la paura e il bisogno di ferire.

Son certa che un giorno chiameremo tutto questo
Col nome giusto
E ritrovata serenità.

Carmen Consoli - 'A finestra
Video e testo

Il testo

Sugnu sempri alla finestra e viru genti ca furria pà strada
Genti bedda, laria, allegra, mutriusa e siddiata
Genti arripudduta cu li gigghia isati e a vucca stritta
“Turi ho vogghia di quaccosa, un passabocca, un lemonsoda”
Iddu ci arrispunni: “Giusi, quannu ti chiamavi Giuseppina,
eri licca pà broscia cà granita”
“Turi tu n’ha fattu strada e ora che sei grosso imprenditori
t’ha ‘nsignari a classi ‘ntò parrari”

Sugnu sempre alla finestra e viru genti spacinnata,
sduvacata ‘nte panchini di la piazza, stuta e adduma a sigaretta,
gente ca s’ancontra e dici “ciao” cu na taliata,
genti ca s’allasca, genti ca s’abbrazza e poi si vasa,
genti ca sa fa stringennu a cinghia, si strapazza e non si pinna,
annunca st’autru ‘nvernu non si canta missa,
genti ca sa fa ‘lliccannu a sadda,
ma ci fa truvari a tavula cunsata a cu cumanna

Chi ci aviti di taliari, ‘un aviti autru a cui pinsari
almeno un pocu di chiffari
“Itavinni a travagghiari” vannia ‘n vecchiu indispettitu,
“avemu u picciu arreri o vitru”.
Jù ci dicu “m’ha scusari, chista è la me casa e staju unni mi pare.

La domenica mattina dagli altoparlanti della chiesa
a vuci ‘i Patri Coppola n’antrona i casi, trasi dintra l’ossa
“piccaturi rinunciati a ddi piccati di la carni
quannu u riavulu s’affaccia rafforzatevi a mutanna”.
Quannu attagghiu di la chiesa si posteggia un machinone
scinni Saro Branchia detto Re Leone
Patri Coppola balbetta e ammogghia l’omelia cu tri paroli
picchì sua Maestà s’ha fari a comunioni

Chi ci aviti di taliari, ‘un aviti autru a cui pinsari
almeno un pocu di chiffari
“Itavinni un pocu a mari”, vannia un vecchiu tintu
“accussì janca mi pariti ‘n spiddu”
Jù ci dicu “m’ha scusari,
ma picchì hati a stari ccà sutta a me casa pà ‘nsultari”.

Sugnu sempri alla finestra e viru a ranni civiltà
ca ha statu, unni Turchi, Ebrei e Cristiani si stringeunu la manu,
tannu si pinsava ca “La diversità è ricchezza”
tempi di biddizza e di puisia, d’amuri e di saggezza
Zoccu ha statu aieri, oggi forsi ca putissi riturnari
si truvamu semi boni di chiantari
‘Nta sta terra ‘i focu e mari oggi sentu ca mi parra u cori
e dici ca li cosi stannu pì canciari

Chi ci aviti di taliari ‘un aviti autru a cui pinsari,
almeno un poco di chiffari
Itavinni a ballari, ittati quattru sauti e nisciti giustu pì sbariari
Jù ci dicu “Cù piaciri, c’è qualchi danza streusa ca vuliti cunsigghiari!?”

Carmen Consoli e Franco Battiato
Marie ti amiamo
Video e testo

Il testo

Marie a dèjà oubliè toutes les chansons de Noel,
Mondieu qu’est-ce que elle a fait? Elle a dejà péché!

Qualcuno dice che gli elicotteri spaventano gli uccelli
Che stiamo diventando indifferenti e senza sensibilità

Marie a dèjà oubliè toutes les chansons de Noel,
Mondieu qu’est-ce que elle a fait? Elle a dejà péché!

A notte il corpo della luna incanta ma io l’ignoro
Appena il cielo si sveglia
Profumano i giardini di zagare e gelsomini
Codici smarriti, linguaggi segreti, codici smarriti.

Marie a dèjà oubliè toutes les chansons de Noel,
Mondieu qu’est-ce que elle a fait? Elle a dejà péché!

Conservi memoria nelle tue radici
Conservi memoria nelle tue radici

Video e testo

Il testo

Quella domenica mattina una brezza malinconica
Soffiava dal mare
Il pensiero di odissee lontane
Viaggiatori in cerca di emozioni forti a cui approdare.

Sopravviverò al tumulto delle tue parole
A Sud est, ai margini del buio incede il sole
Ed aspetterò la sera agghindata di brillanti
Verresti a guardare le stelle.

Spiegami in fondo che senso ha
Aspettare l’estate per poi
Rimpiangere il freddo dell’inverno
Dove il cielo è più terso
Il sapore dell’inverno.

Quella domenica mattina accettavo
senza accorgermi un invito al dolore,
un tripudio di onde anomale agitava l’orizzonte.
Non avevo che me stessa e una ridente imbarcazione
Sopravviverò al tumulto delle tue parole, sopravviverò.

Spiegami in fondo che senso ha
Aspettare l’estate per poi rimpiangere
Il freddo dell’inverno
E gli odori che non risvegliano i sensi
e le anguste giornate sempre brevi
Che senso ha ostinarsi a reprimere un desiderio e
Lasciarlo alla porta fingendo l’assenza
Ed ancora una volta non saper dire basta.

Quella domenica mattina accettavo
senza accorgermi un invito al dolore.

Carmen Consoli - Mio zio

Il testo

Ho messo il rossetto rosso in segno di lutto
E un soprabito nero
Era un uomo distinto mio zio.
Madre non piangere, ingoia e dimentica
Le sue mani ingorde tra le mie gambe
Adesso sta in grazia di Dio.

Brava bambina fai la conta
Più punti a chi non si vergogna
Giochiamo a mosca cieca
Che zio ti porta in montagna.

Porgiamo l’estremo saluto ad un animo puro,
Un nobile esempio di padre, di amico e fratello
E sento il disprezzo profondo, i loro occhi addosso
Ho svelato l’ignobile incesto e non mi hanno creduto.

Brava bambina un po’ alla volta
Tranquilla, non morde e non scappa
Giochiamo a mosca cieca
Che zio ti porta in vacanza.

Brava bambina fai la conta
Chi cerca prima o poi trova
Gioiuzza fallo ancora
Che zio ti porta alla giostra
Che zio ti porta alla giostra.

Ho messo un rossetto rosso carminio
E sotto il soprabito niente
In onore del mio aguzzino.

Carmen Consoli - Perturbazione atlantica
Video e testo

Il testo

I giorni volano confusi e inquieti
Come mosche a tavola
Domani è festa e tutto il paese già freme per la processione.
Signora sia generosa
I santi martiri gioiranno in cambio di qualcosa.

Il meteo informa che quest’anno primavera tarderà
È una sciagura per le mie rose
Questa perturbazione atlantica.

Signora abbia pazienza
Le piante non hanno fretta o scadenza
È solo questione di poche settimane
Perché temere che non possano sbocciare.

In questa attesa interminabile di ore ingrovigliate e incerte
Un’improvvisa ondata di rondini disegna voli strabilianti.
Se chiudo gli avverto un caldo attrito
Il sole a maggio non è stato mai così vicino.

Sia dolce o amara la sorte
Mio generale combatterò al tuo fianco
Signora abbia pazienza
Le piante non hanno fretta o scadenza
È solo questione di poche settimane
Perché temere che non possano sbocciare.

In questa attesa interminabile di ore ingrovigliate e incerte
Un’improvvisa ondata di rondini disegna voli strabilianti.
Se chiudo gli occhi avverto il fremito dell’alta quota
Un po’ in debito di ossigeno
È già spezzato il fiato
E ricomincio a respirare senza sforzo e senza affanno.

Il meteo informa che quest’anno
Primavera tarderà.

Carmen Consoli - Mandaci una cartolina

Il testo Tra tutti i giorni in cui potevi partire Perché hai pensato proprio al lunedì. Gli uccelli cantano, l’estate è alle porte tempo di mare e di granite al limone. Chissà quale fine sarcasmo d’autore Avresti sfoderato senza giri di parole. Viva l’Italia, il calcio, il testosterone, gli inciuci e le buttane in preda all’ormone a noi ci piace assai la televisione proprio l’oggetto – dico – esposto in salone chissà quale amara considerazione avresti concepito in virtù del pudore. Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia Con la solita camicia bianca Ed il giornale aperto sulla pagina sportiva Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga Beato tra le braccia di un tramonto. Tra tutti i giorni in cui potevi morire Perché hai pensato proprio al lunedì Strade caotiche e litigi agli incroci Quanti cafoni su veicoli osceni Chissà quale fine sarcasmo d’autore Avresti sfoderato in questa triste occasione. Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia Con la solita camicia bianca Ed il giornale aperto sulla pagina sportiva Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga canticchiando una canzone romantica. Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia Con la solita camicia bianca. Mandaci una cartolina e una ridente foto di te Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga E cogli con stupore il nuovo giorno. testo e acccordi Dm Sib La Dm Sib La Dm Gm A Tra tutti i giorni in cui potevi partire Dm Gm A Perché hai pensato proprio al lunedì. Dm Gm A Gli uccelli cantano, l'estate è alle porte Dm Gm A tempo di mare e di granite al limone. Gm Dm Chissà quale fine sarcasmo d'autore E A Avresti sfoderato senza giri di parole. Dm Gm A Viva l'Italia, il calcio, il testosterone, Dm A gli inciuci e le buttane in preda all'ormone Dm Gm A a noi ci piace assai la televisione Dm Gm A proprio l'oggetto - dico - esposto in salone Gm Dm chissà quale amara considerazione E A avresti concepito in virtù del pudore. F Mandaci una cartolina Cm Bb e una ridente foto di te F (Gm) Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia F Con la solita camicia bianca Cm Ed il giornale aperto Bb sulla pagina sportiva Dm Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga C Bb A7 Beato tra le braccia di un tramonto. Dm Gm A Dm Gm A7 Dm Gm A Tra tutti i giorni in cui potevi morire Dm A Perché hai pensato proprio al lunedì Dm Gm A Strade caotiche e litigi agli incroci Dm A Quanti cafoni su veicoli osceni Gm Dm Chissà quale fine sarcasmo d'autore E Avresti sfoderato A in questa triste occasione. F Mandaci una cartolina Cm Bb e una ridente foto di te F (Gm) Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia F Con la solita camicia bianca Cm Bb Ed il giornale aperto sulla pagina sportiva Dm Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga A Bb F canticchiando una canzone romantica. Cm Bb Dm C F Mandaci una cartolina Cm Bb e una ridente foto di te F (Gm) Che prendi il sole sulla spiaggia F Con la solita camicia bianca. Cm Bb Dm C F Mandaci una cartolina Cm Bb e una ridente foto di te Dm C Mentre stai sul bagnasciuga Bb A E cogli con stupore il nuovo giorno. Dm Gm A Dm Bb A Dm Gm A Dm Bb A Dm Gm A Dm Bb A Dm Gm A Dm Bb A

Carmen Consoli - L'album "Elettra"

Titoli canzoni:

Mandaci una cartolina
Perturbazione atlantica
Non Molto Lontano Da Qui
Mio zio
Sud Est
Marie ti amiamo
'A finestra
Col nome giusto

Morgan e il tour "Piano solo"

Dopo X Factor 3, Morgan è pronto per salire sul palco del teatro Ariston per il Festival di Sanremo 2010...
Ma è anche pronto per "partire" per un lungo tour “Piano solo”, in giro per i teatri italiani, nello spettacolo canterà alcuni dei brani che più la rappresentano contenuti negli ultimi album, alcuni brani dei Bluevertigo e pezzi di grandi cantautori italiani, i suoi preferiti.

Ecco le date:


8 gennaio 2010 - ANCONA
Neon Club ore 22.00 - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

15 gennaio 2010 - SAVONA
Teatro Chiabrera ore 21.00 - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

19 gennaio 2010 - MASSA CARRARA
Teatro Comunale Guglielmi - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

21 gennaio 2010 - PISTOIA
Teatro Manzoni - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

23 gennaio 2010 - CONEGLIANO VENETO (TV)
Zion Rock Club - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

25 gennaio 2010 - BOLOGNA
Arena del Sole - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

28 gennaio 2010 - CESENA
Teatro Carisport - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

30 gennaio 2010 - RIMINI
Teatro Novelli - Concerto per voce e pianoforte


4 febbraio 2010 - PISA
Teatro Verdi - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

5 febbraio 2010 - BRESCIA
Palabrescia - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

6 febbraio 2010 - CASTELVETRANO (TP)
Teatro Selinus - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

10 febbraio 2010 - COMO
Teatro Sociale - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

12 febbraio 2010 - VARESE
Teatro Apollonio - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

13 febbraio 2010 - FERRARA
Teatro Nuovo - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

26 febbraio 2010 - FIRENZE
Teatro Saschall - Concerto per voce e pianoforte

MARZO 2010

9 Marzo 2010 - MANTOVA
Palabam - Concerto per voce e pianoforte